Free videos page!

Wherever you are, you can ask Teacher Lina anything! She’ll do her best to answer your questions in a form of a video or even personally reply to you. Her goals include being able to share dance through this platform, so your questions and also your feedback is really important to us!

How to, for ballet.

Have you ever just been confused about some ballet terms, culture or maybe its your first time dancing?

This page then is for you, where we encourage you to check out some videos from teacher Lina, answering your questions as well as giving you some dance insights!

Ask and comment and we’ll be updating this part of the website every month!


Some ballet for first timers and also tips for stretching!

The charm of the studio comes from our home based and very simple tips. We try to keep your tips as simple and as understandable as possible. We hope that these videos help you understand more of what we offer as a studio. We would love to keep it this way and to help our community grow through dance!


Before you get your pointe shoes?

If your goal is to get on pointe, what should we do to prepare for it?

Why is it so important that you wait till you’re ready to be on pointe and why should you work on your releves, and other very important exercises for your ballet routine!


Short hair? No problem!

Teacher Lina teaches you a good way to learn how to bun your hair if your hair is short or you’d love to keep your hair short.

We hope you enjoy this video, and don’t forget to prepare your hair pins, and lots of them!

Whats coming up?

This page will be updated in the next months, with more videos, tips and fun reviews!