Terms of service.
Welcome to Studio Dance by Lina!
We’re happy to have you as part of our community. This handbook was created to serve as a proper guide to all who are part of this growing family. The content is focused about three main aspects:
Before we discuss the guidelines in this handbook, we request our dear parents to agree and be in alignment with our values:
By enrolling in SDBL, I and my child will value and respect the art and science of dance. And that is:
Adhering to school rules and protocols
Commitment and dedication to the understanding of the artform
Respect towards teachers and peers
Honoring of classical ballet tradition
Trust and accountability in communication, process, and culture
Here at Studio Dance By Lina, we practice an “omnichannel approach” when it comes to communicating with our parents and pupils. This is our way of adapting to our digital age which in turn offers everyone flexibility, convenience, and efficiency. Enlisted are our official communication channels and their primary purposes:
SDBL Viber Community - our primary mode of communicating with the parents and students to give quick updates and announcements regarding school activities and short to mid term directives
SDBL Facebook Group - our secondary mode of circulating announcements and updates across our community
Email - our formal way of confirming transactions and circulating formal announcements
Zoom - our official online platform to meet and conduct online activities such as classes, events, webinars, and the like
Emergency Procedures
In case of emergencies, our main contact persons are the following:
Lina Peralejo, Founder and Owner of Studio Dance By Lina
Contact number: +639171739157
Registration and Payment policies
School Year - payment for enrollment must be settled at least 1 week before the start of the school year and not less than 5 days to give the school admins adequate time for scheduling and rostering
Summer Recitals - payments for costumes and/or recital fees must be settled on or before the announced due dates to prevent delays in certain processes and lead times
Class Cancellation
COVID19 and other illnesses
for serious medical cases, last minute cancellations will be tolerated
for planned and foreseeable medical conditions and procedures (having a physician’s appointment, and the like), we request to be informed at least 1-3 days before; failure to do so will result to default consumption of attendance for that particular class
cancellation of attendance must be advised at least 3 hours before class
We reserve the right to cancel a class if we deem it fit as safety of everyone is paramount in our priorities; that being said we will do our best to advise cancellation promptly.
Traffic and Holidays
for cancellations due to heavy traffic, we will accept cancellations at least 2 hours before class; we encourage everyone to practice discernment and forecasting when it comes to this because we are all aware of the traffic situation in our metropolis
for cancellations due to holidays (public or private-planned), please advise at least one week before the scheduled class or sets of classes
for cancellations with online classes, let us make it a standard to advise not less than two (2) hours before the scheduled class
Studio Etiquette and Rules
As there is a standard expected of a professional dancer, so is there such for students-in-training. Below are the list of studio rules and etiquette to observe and practice:
Wearing of proper uniform to class - this is the most basic practice of compliance, discipline, and professionalism and is compulsory to every student
Proper hair bun (neat upkeep using only plain and black-colored elastics and hairpins– no unnecessary accessories)
Proper leotard color code for student’s class level
Pink or peach tights for classical ballet classes
Peach or nude-colored ballet slippers (canvas or leather)
Class skirts are allowed upon teacher’s advice (plain, sheer color matching/complementing the official class level leotard)
No jewelries nor other accessories during class, whether online or in-studio
For advanced students, warmers must be taken off at the start of the class or midway
Courtesy towards teacher and classmates
This quintessential and unspoken rule must be observed at all times. When we respect our teacher, classmates, and the artform, we create a noble attitude that builds a part of our character as individuals
We want to build a positive self-esteem for our students and we want to develop leadership that is anchored on teamwork
Supportive Culture
We want our students to be confident and competent but we want them to compete against themselves– each individual has their own pace and progress and we want to ensure that our students are both emotionally and mentally intelligent and healthy.
Studio Decorum:
Students must come ON TIME– “on time” MEANS 10 minutes before class for in-studio and 5 minutes in the waiting room for online
For in-studio: Intermediate, Advance, and Adult Ballet students are expected to arrive at least 15-30 minutes before class to warm-up properly
Full attention and dedication must be given during class
No running around/horsing around during class
Laughing and gossiping during class is not allowed
Proper body language must be observed during class
Borrowing of things from classmates is discouraged
Respect towards teachers and classmates
Promotions and Year end Assessments
Makeup classes
Makeup classes will be allowed, we have a grace period of 1 month to consume your leftover sessions should you have an emergency situation that may need more attention.
Tuition will not be counted if a student misses class
Students may make up classes missed in their level or one level below
Students must contact the teacher or the school office to authorize and schedule a makeup class.
Private Lessons
Placement of Schedule must be made one (1) week in advance, cancellations will be considered paid sessions
Private lessons for in-studio teachers are allowed provided that you talk to teacher Lina first. All payments should be settled to the studio and not directly to the teacher.
Leaving the school
Telling the teacher in advance (telling teacher if you will not be coming in)
Practice transparency and accountability– no beating around the bush, please
Advising respectfully
Performance Opportunities
We work hard and smart for the school. And it is every performing artist’s desire to showcase what they work so hard for in a conducive environment and a platform they deserve. In view of this, we are currently strategizing on how to hold recitals, performances, and events for our students in an ideal setting as we ease our way out of the pandemic situation.
Competitions and Summer Intensives Outside of the School
We are currently studying our options about sending our advanced students overseas for training and career opportunities. We are also in the process of designing this program because we want to ensure that our committed and advanced students who are serious about pursuing an opportunity abroad gets placed at the right school/company and at just the right timeline in their dancing career.
Regarding competitions, we are looking into training our students to be more tenured in participating in such events as this will also develop part of their competence, exposure, psychology, and professionalism as dancers.
Dress Code
Hair (please refer to Class Decorum section of the handbook)
Uniform per level (to be finalized)
Other requirements
Where to buy the dancewear (schedule consultation with Teacher Lina)
Financial Assistance / Scholarships
Aid is available to an eligible student and is subject to assessment and qualification. Consequently, there will be a yearly review on scholarships and a year-end evaluation of a student’s progress and level of commitment.
Dressing Rooms and Waiting Areas
Shoes must be left outside of the waiting area and only a number of chairs are available outside.
Lost and Found
We are not responsible for lost, stolen or misplaced items. We recommend labeling your shoes and all of your belongings
Volunteers / Internships / Studio Assisting
Unpaid and Paid Internship opportunities
Volunteers and Commitments
Apprenticeships with Payment: Hours and responsibilities, including certificate of completion (subject to qualifications)
Information Changes
The studio admin shall observe and practice prompt and timely advise of any changes regarding schedules, activities, and directives
In-studio: Celebrity Sports Plaza, QC and Shangri-la PLaza Madaluyong
Online: Zoom
Lina Peralejo, Artistic Director and Owner of Studio Dance By Lina, Principal Teacher and Rehearsal Master for Classical Ballet and Character Dance
Micha Batallones, Virtual Assistant, Student & School Coordinator, Teacher-in-Training
Kihyan Chua Yap, Figure Skating Coach, Instructor, and Founder of Off Ice Academy
Joel Minas, Figure Skating Coach, Instructor, and Founder of Off Ice Academy
PJ Rebullida, Teacher for Jazz, Ballet, Creative Movement, Collaborative Partner, and Professional Choreographer
Julio Laforteza, Teacher for Jazz and Ballet
Katrene San Miguel, Guest Teacher for Classical Ballet, Soloist from Ballet Philippines, Artist at the CCP Dance Workshop
Joanne Tangalin, Teacher for Classical Ballet, Company Member of Philippine Ballet Theatre
Ella Fernandez, Teacher for Classical Ballet